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About Christ Church Cathedral School

Founded in 1989, Christ Church Cathedral School provides an outstanding and inspiring education to children JK-8. Ranking among the very top performing schools in our city and rooted in the Anglican ethos, we provide a well-rounded curriculum accessible to students of all beliefs, nurturing the spiritual, social, physical and intellectual growth of every child.
We aspire to be the school of choice for families who seek an excellent education for their children in a vibrant, caring and inclusive community where students can discover the path toward the best version of themselves.
Our educational mission is mobilized by our values and by what we believe:
Among our greatest strengths is our “right size”. Our current enrolment of 270 students, enables us to foster a strong community of parents, students and teachers, each contributing to the school’s unique and highly prized culture of learning and mutual support.
Excellence in Teaching and Learning:
We believe that strong educational outcomes are achieved by instilling a passion for learning and discovery. Our highly qualified and committed educators challenge and support our students to effectively draw out their best efforts. 
The result is students who are confident, enthusiastic, and ready to take on new opportunities and step into leadership roles in high school.
Service to others:
We are motivated by the tenets of our faith to love and serve others. Therefore, the cultivation of active faith and the practice of service-learning is an integral component of a Cathedral School education, where students learn to pull together toward something much greater than themselves; where kindness, respect, compassion, effort and resilience are cultivated.
Diversity and Accessibility:
We welcome children and families from all faiths and all socio-economic backgrounds. The availability of financial awards (bursaries) is an institutional priority that strengthens diversity in the student population and ensures a Cathedral School education remains accessible.

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